Having devoted roughly 40 chapters to development tools, this book has managed to scratch the surface. Java development tools are a hot and volatile market, and any list is destined for quick obsolescence. A good source of current information is the Blackdown site (http://www.blackdown.org), whose pages include links to Java development tools usable on Linux.
This appendix lists some development tools not covered in the chapters - with due apologies for any omissions.
Many Java IDEs are, like Inprise JBuilder, implemented in Java. Here is some of JBuilder's competition:
NetComputing's AnyJ (http://www.netcomputing.de/) includes a free license for Linux users.
NetBeans Developer was acquired by Sun Microsystems (http://java.sun.com) in late 1999. Sun has indicated that it plans to distribute versions for low-end (at no charge) and high-end (at enterprise-level prices) developers.
Data Representations' Simplicity for Java (http://www.datarepresentations.com/) boasts a "Code Sourcerer" for rapid project setup.
Omnicore's CodeGuide (http://www.omnicore.com) boasts incrementation compilation technology to assist in quick error detection.
BulletProof's JDesignerPro (http://www.bulletproof.com/) is targeted at development of database-enabled Java applications.
Elixir Technology's ElixirIDE (http://www.elixirtech.com/) includes a free Lite version.
Penumbra Software's SuperMojo (http://www.penumbrasoftware. com/) boasts a separate enterprise solution pack for three-tier application architectures.
SoftwareBuero's WipeOut (http://www.softwarebuero.de/wipeout-eng.html) supports Java, C++, Eiffel, and Fortran development by providing an IDE interface to existing tools.
IST's VisaJ (http://www.ist.co.uk/visaj) is being promoted by SGI for the Linux platform.
FreeBuilder (http://www.freebuilder.org) is an open source IDE being built with volunteer effort.
SCubed's JIG (http://www.scubed.cc/) boasts ease of navigation through complex class hierarchies.
Viosoft's Arriba! (http://www.viosoft.com) includes integration with Viosoft's own VioRunner debugger.
The list of available Java IDEs implemented natively on the Linux platform is small, but growing. Here are some current offerings:
IBM VisualAge (http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava/) ships in three versions at various price points (the lowest being free). The Linux version is in prerelease as of this writing.
Cygnus Solutions Code Fusion (http://www.cygnus.com) mates an IDE with the native code compilation capabilities of gcj (discussed in Chapter 31, "gcj: A Compiled Java Solution").
Code Crusader (http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~jafl/jcc/) is an open source, multilanguage IDE. Distributions are also available from standard code repositories such as Metalab.
Tek-Tools JForge (http://www.tek-tools.com/jforge/) is focused on graphical construction of GUI JavaBeans.
Scriptics' SpecTcl (http://www.scriptics.com/products/spectcl) is a Tcl-based GUI builder that grew out of Sun's brief relationship with Tcl inventor John Ousterhout.
IST's XDesigner (http://www.ist.co.uk/xd/) is a native application that supports several target toolkits, including Java.
Softera's SoftModeler (http://www.softera.com/products.htm) includes reverse-engineering tools to work from existing class files.
Lava (http://www.hnet.demon.co.uk/products/lava/index.html) is a free, Java-based GUI builder.
MetaMata's Debug (http://www.metamata.com/products/debug_top.html) includes remote debugging capabilities for multiplatform distributed debugging.
Viosoft's VioRunner (http://www.viosoft.com) boasts multiplatform, distributed debugging.
All tools listed here are implemented in Java and should be usable on Linux.
Tendril Software's StructureBuilder (http://www.tendril.com) offers full UML modeling and automatic code generation.
Elixir Technology's ElixirCASE (http://www.elixirtech.com/) includes a free Lite version.
Object Domain System's ObjectDomain (http://www.objectdomain.com/domain) is a UML-based modeler and code generator.
Object International's TogetherJ (http://www.togetherj.com/) offers a free "whiteboard edition" and a full enterprise version.
Here is some of the competition to InstallShield (see Chapter 52, "InstallShield: Creating Self-Installing Java Applications"):
Zero-G's InstallAnywhere (http://www.zerog.com/) is a full-featured packager, whose offerings include a free, lightweight version.
AlphaWorks' InstallToolkit for Java (http://alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/installtoolkit) is an IBM research project into Java packaging technologies.
Here is some of the competition to DashO-Pro (see Chapter 53, "DashO: Optimizing Applications for Delivery").
4thPass's SourceGuard (http://www.4thpass.com/) offers versions from low-end to enterprise-level.
AlphaWorks' JAX (http://alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/JAX) is an IBM research project into optimization and obfuscation of Java applications.
Force5's JCloak (http://www.force5.com/JCloak/ProductJCloak.html) is focused on obfuscating applets.
Eastridge Technology's JShrink (http://www.e-t.com/jshrink.html) offers obfuscation and size reduction.
Condensity (http://www.condensity.com/index.html) offers multiplatform obfuscation and size reduction.
RetroLogic's RetroGuard (http://retrologic.com/) is an open source obfuscator.
Zelix's KlassMaster (http://www.zelix.com/klassmaster/) includes obfuscation and decompilation capabilities.
WingSoft's WingDis (http://www.wingsoft.com/wingdis.shtml) is a non-GUI decompiler that can integrate with WingSoft's WingEditor for optional GUI capabilities.
Ahpah's SourceAgain (http://www.ahpah.com/) includes GUI and non-GUI versions for various platforms, including Linux.
SourceTec's Decompiler (http://www.srctec.com/decompiler.htm) is a shareware decompiler.
ClassCracker (http://www.pcug.org.au/~mayon/) is a GUI-based decompiler product.
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